Montana changes kokanee fishing regulation for Georgetown Lake

Montana Changes Kokanee Fishing Regulation for Georgetown Lake

On April 19, 2022, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission changed the kokanee bag limit back to what it had been for years, allowing anglers at Georgetown Lake to once again keep an unlimited amount of kokanee. The regulation limiting the amount of kokanee salmon a person could keep was passed during the October 2021…

Kokanee Hoochies

Hoochie Lures for Kokanee Hoochies are a type of soft bait that is used for fishing. Most commonly they’re a hollow silicone squid type lure, but there are also silicone shrimp hoochies on the market as well. Trout, bass, and other fish all can respond well to the presentation, but kokanee salmon especially love hoochies….

rockport reservoir utah kokanee salmon fishing

Rockport Reservoir, Utah Kokanee Salmon Fishing

Rockport Reservoir Rockport Reservoir is located in Summit County, Utah. The reservoir sits at 5,955 feet in elevation, making it one of the lower elevation kokanee lakes in the state of Utah. Because its lower elevation, Rockport reservoir is also extremely popular with kayakers, paddleboarders, boaters, and other water sports. The reservoir is fed by…