night jigging for kokanee salmon

Night Jigging for Kokanee

Night jigging for Kokanee salmon is a unique and exciting fishing experience that offers anglers the opportunity to catch these elusive fish during their most active feeding times. With the right lures, equipment, and techniques, night jigging can yield a plentiful catch of Kokanee salmon, making it a popular and rewarding pursuit for avid anglers….

Snagging Kokane Salmon

Snagging Kokanee Salmon

For many, kokanee salmon are a mystery, especially since these fish have in recent years been stocked around the world at places where you wouldn’t usually find them. Some have never even heard of them, others may have caught a few, but if you don’t have a boat, you probably haven’t done more than that….

Jigging for Kokanee

Jigging for Kokanee Salmon: A Guide on How to Jig for Landlocked Salmon

If you’re looking for one of the most fun ways to catch a few kokanee, look no further than the humble jig. Kokanee salmon congregate in groups, or schools, and are keen to strike at shiny or colorful lures, jigs, or spoons, making them the perfect target for jigging. When jigging for kokanee, I use…

Trolling for Kokanee with a Downrigger

Downrigger Kokanee Fishing: Trolling for Kokanee With a Downrigger

Fishing for kokanee is a challenge, and there are really 2 types of kokanee fishermen- those who fish with downriggers and those that wish they did. This article will explain what a downrigger is, how they work, and how they can really improve your trolling for kokanee. How to use a Downrigger for Kokanee A…