Best Kokanee Fishing In the USA
Fishing for kokanee salmon can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, and the western United States is home to many great fishing destinations where anglers can target these fish. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a novice fisherman, there are many lakes and reservoirs where you can cast your line and try to hook a kokanee salmon. In this blog post, we’ll highlight some of the best places to fish for kokanee salmon in the United States, from the crystal-clear waters of Lake Tahoe to the rugged mountains of northern Idaho. So grab your fishing gear and get ready to explore some of the top kokanee salmon fishing destinations in the western USA!
Lake Chelan

If you want to catch a lot of decent sized kokanee, this is the place to go. High limits make this lake fun. The average size is around 14-16″ so they’re not tiny, but they’re not the monsters that you’ll find in some of the other lakes on this list. Its just a good all around kokanee lake. Lake Chelan is a deep, clear lake in central Washington that is home to a large population of kokanee salmon. There are also a host of resorts, charters, guides, and opportunities. In terms of amenities, its one of the better places to chase kokanee, second only to Tahoe which is further down this list. I enjoy fishing Chelan, and keep in touch with some local guides. It’s pretty much always a hot location, and has some fun fishing tournaments as well.
Lake Roosevelt
Lake Roosevelt is a massive 151 mile long lake that grows some MONSTER kokanee. If you want to catch a kokanee salmon that looks more like a football than a fish, this is the place to go. When people talk about big kokanee, they’ll often do it in comparison to the fish at Lake Roosevelt. “It was about as big as the Roosevelt Kokanee.” This is the standard for the best big kokanee fishing in America.
Strawberry Reservoir

I’m from Utah, and I caught my first kokanee on Strawberry Reservoir, so I’m a little biased, but I’ve traveled and fished across the country, and this Utah reservoir is special. It’s rare to see a wake board boat, jet ski, or other big boats out on the water. It’s just cold enough to keep them away, but the kokanee population is doing extraordinary. Additionally, almost every other boat you see on the water is out chasing kokanee, so if you want to find the kokanee, just follow the other boats. It’s also not uncommon to pull out a 3-4 lb kokanee. Strawberry grows some monsters.
Payette Lake

This is one of the prettiest lakes in the country, bar none. If you’re a kayak fisherman, you NEED to check out Payette Lake. There’s great early morning fishing. I’m not generally a kayak kokanee fisherman, but I loved the glassy water and the bite was good first thing in the morning. If you want a mountain fishing retreat, this is the one. Additionally, this is one of the few kokanee fisheries that has a native kokanee population, not a planted stock. It has great camping options as well. The water is crystal clear. The fish aren’t the biggest in the United States, but this has got to be the prettiest lake I’ve ever chased kokanee in.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir

The last few state records for both Utah and Wyoming have been taken out of Flaming Gorge Reservoir. I also know of another kokanee that would have been the record, over 7 lbs, if they would have gotten it certified after they got it weighed on official scales. As is, the state record for both Utah and Wyoming comes in at 6 lbs 5 oz. This is another reservoir that just produces monsters consistently, and is a must fish destination for kokanee anglers. I’ve had more luck pulling in monster kokanee here over any other location on this list. It just produces tanks.
Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is one of the premier kokanee salmon fishing destinations in the western U.S. The lake has a self-sustaining population of kokanee salmon, and anglers can catch these fish from boats or the shore. People usually think of the hiking and water sports and the vacation destinations when they think of Lake Tahoe, but it also has excellent fishing, and is the only place in Nevada with kokanee salmon. If you’ve got a spouse, mother-in-law, or other traveling partner who might not be excited about fishing, take them to Lake Tahoe. You can fish, and they can do something less exciting.
Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho
Lake Pend Oreille is a large, deep lake in northern Idaho that is home to a self-sustaining population of kokanee salmon. Pend Oreille (pronounced Pond Oh-Ray) is one of the biggest lakes in the country, and has a huge kokanee population. There are tens of millions of kokanee salmon in the water. The fish can be caught from boats or the shore, and there are several fishing guides and charter services in the area. I was able to touch base with local biologists there and the kokanee population has never been healthier.
Priest Lake, Idaho
Priest Lake is a scenic mountain lake in northern Idaho that is known for its kokanee salmon fishing. The fish can be caught from boats or the shore, and there are several fishing guides and outfitters in the area. Priest is also known for producing some monster lake trout, including the world record lake trout. If you like both kokanee and lakers, Priest Lake should be on your list.
About Kokanee Salmon
Kokanee salmon are landlocked sockeye salmon, which means they don’t return to the ocean and live their entire lives in lakes or reservoirs before spawning in rivers, streams, or gravel close to lakeshores. These salmon are delicious and are really strong fighters, making them a prime target for anglers, and the popularity of this fish is growing. Kokanee are a schooling fish that feed on zooplankton in the water. They tend to find where these plankton are at and then they congregate and feed all in that one area. These plankton, and the kokanee that feed on them, like to hang in water that is around 50-55 degrees, so these salmon are usually only able to survive in deep alpine lakes and reservoirs, and can be found from depths of 10 feet, all the way down to over 100 feet deep.
Fishing for kokanee salmon is a popular pastime in the western United States, and for good reason. You might not be able to hit all of these, but if you’re close to one, you should definitely make a point to check it out. Not only are these fish fun to catch, but they also make for great eating. From Lake Tahoe to Lake Pend Oreille, there are many great fishing destinations where anglers can try their luck at catching kokanee salmon. Whether you prefer fishing from a boat or from the shore, there’s a kokanee salmon fishing experience that’s right for you. So why not plan your next fishing trip to one of these top kokanee salmon fishing destinations in the U.S.? Who knows, you might just reel in the catch of a lifetime!
Kokanee Candy Recipe
A recipe for sweet kokanee candy bites, a great meal, snack, or appetizer. This recipe also works with most other salmon and trout. This recipe is perfect for small “scrap” pieces that come off of your fillet, collars, or you can always slice up a fillet. What is Kokanee Candy? Kokanee candy is a sweet…
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