fishing from shore at strawberry

Catching Kokanee From Shore at Strawberry

If you’re trying to catch kokanee from the shore at Strawberry Reservoir in June or July, it’s going to take an insane amount of luck. They’re deep. That doesn’t mean it can’t happen, or that it hasn’t happened. I know of people that have caught kokanee from shore at Strawberry. But if you want to catch and keep kokanee without a boat, you’ve got to be lucky or be ready to put in the hours. We’ve put together a the best information we could get to increase your chances of catching a kokanee from shore at Strawberry.

I’ve been fishing at Strawberry all my life. I’ve fished it from a kayak, from a boat, from a kayak, and from the ice. I know that reservoir. Now, the best time to catch eater kokanee is during the summer. The easiest time to catch kokanee is during the fall. That said, there is another option. There is a small window where you might have a chance of catching good eating, silver kokanee, right when the ice comes off. This usually happens some time in May. Kokanee can spread out a bit more when the water is cold, but not too cold. I look a bit more into the science in my article, fly fishing for kokanee in lakes and reservoirs, but the point is, you’ve got a slightly better window there. I don’t want to raise your hopes too much. It’ll still be hard and unlikely, but its a bit more likely.

What Lure People Use to Catch Kokanee Salmon From Shore

Jakes Spin A Lure

I fish Strawberry a lot. I’m in all the Strawberry groups, forums, etc. I have monitored what people are catching kokanee with from shore. It doesn’t happen a lot, but it can happen. The most common lure I’ve seen catch a kokanee from shore is the Jake’s Spin a lure, with several reported catches throughout the country. This is an extremely popular lure that works for almost all game fish. If I could only have one lure in my tackle box, not one per species, but one lure period, it’d be a Jake’s. It’s extremely versatile. The only thing more versatile I’ve found for catching multiple types of fish is a night crawler. People catch kokanee with this. It’s sold in both gold and silver, but I’ve seen more people catching kokanee from shore with gold than silver at Strawberry. I always thought that was strange, because I do better with silver kokanee gear, but that gold Jakes catches the wierdos that hang out close to shore.

Jakes Spin A Lure: Gold


The Jakes Spin A Lure was the clear leader, but this Kastmaster is the runner up. There was no clear third. In theory, most spoons that look similar to the Kastmaster could work, but there was really only consensus on a Kastmaster, and on Jakes. Maybe its because these are just two of the most popular lures, period. That said, a Kastmaster is another great lure, and is similar in shape to some dodgers used for trolling for kokanee.

Kastmaster: Silver

Where to Fish for Kokanee From Shore at Strawberry

Soldier Creek is going to be your sweet spot. It’s probably the best spot in the early season to chase kokanee at Strawberry. They’ve generally been in there thick as soon as people can get boats in the water. If you’re going early spring, that’s where you want to be. If you’re going in the fall, its also where you want to be. Kokanee tend to go to the rivers and streams to spawn, but you can’t fish those at Strawberry during that time for that reason. The marina there in Soldier Creek is going to be your best bet. I’ve also heard people catching them in Mud Creek. It’s worth checking out, but I personally haven’t done too well in Mud Creek. In the main body of water just outside of Mud Creek I’ve done ok, but never in Mud Creek.

During the fall, as they’re starting to go into Spawning mode, you can find kokanee near the shore, and they’re plenty aggressive. Be careful not to foul hook the fish. Snagging kokanee is illegal in Utah, which is important to note if you’re not originally from the area. Some other local states do allow snagging, but it’s a fast way to get a fat ticket at Strawberry. Be sure you release any foul hooked kokanee. In addition to that, there are also the following regulations you should be aware of.

Utah Kokanee Fishing Regulations

  • The state of Utah considers kokanee to be a part of the trout bag limit
  • You Cannot have any kokanee salmon in your possession at any body of water from September 10 through November 30
  • Bag Limit is a total of 4 kokanee salmon or trout, with additional kokanee bag limits at some specific bodies of water.

Fishing regulations can change at any time, so we recommend that you check on the latest Utah fishing regulations before you hit the lake.

Video of Catching Kokanee Salmon from Shore at Strawberry

The video below is of some guys fishing for kokanee when they’re in the spawn and you’re not allowed to catch them. It’s a fun experience, and It’s always cool to pull out the big red fish. I prefer eaters, but this is another opportunity.

If you’re seriously looking to catch kokanee from the shore, I’d recommend checking out the lake that the DWR stocked kokanee in the Boulder Mountains, Blind Lake. It is being stocked with the idea that people will be able to fish for them from shore during the regular season, when the fish aren’t spawning. It’s a small lake where hopefully you won’t need a boat to be able to target these fish, or need to fish during the spawn.

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