kokanee for dogs

Kokanee Salmon for Dogs

A friend of mine goes to Navajo Lake a few times each year to catch kokanee during their annual snagging season. On a good year, the group he goes with can catch a hundred or more. I’ll be honest, the kokanee salmon caught during the spawn don’t taste good. I didn’t believe it when I…

Brined and smoked kokanee salmon

Kokanee Brine: A Basic Delicious Brine Recipe for Smoking, Grilling, and Baking Kokanee Salmon

Brining kokanee salmon is a key way to enhance flavor, preserve moisture, and get the best results from cooking. A Kokanee brine is key in smoking, grilling, or baking kokanee salmon. Why Brine Kokanee Salmon Brining kokanee adds flavor and also helps the salmon retain moisture. Retaining moisture is especially important when either baking, or…

dry brined kokanee salmon recipe

Dry Brine for Kokanee Salmon

Salmon is delicious, but a good kokanee salmon dish begins with the preparation. A lot of salmon recipes, especially smoked kokanee recipes, begin with brining the fish. A brine is a salt and sugar combination that penetrates the flesh, enhances flavor, and alters the texture of the fish, generally making it cook and taste better….