Rocky Mountain Tackle Signature Squid

One of the most popular products from Rocky Mountain Tackle Company is their Signature Squid. These lures are designed to imitate the appearance and movement of real squid,

With a reputation for producing effective and reliable fishing tackle, it’s no wonder why Rocky Mountain Tackle Company has become a favorite among anglers.

Rocky Mountain Tackle Signature Squid

Rocky Mountain Tackle Company

  • Has two hooks for better hooking success rate
  • Available in 6+ different colors on Amazon
  • Hoochie is ____ in length
  • 14lb leader

The Signature Squid lure is made from high-quality materials and features a lifelike squid body with a soft plastic skirt that mimics the squid’s tentacles. The lure is available in a range of colors to suit different fishing conditions and preferences.

Fishermen who have used the Signature Squid report that it is highly effective at attracting a variety of fish species, including salmon, trout, and steelhead. The lure can be used with a variety of fishing techniques, including trolling, casting, and jigging.

Overall, the Rocky Mountain Tackle Signature Squid is a popular and effective fishing lure that can help you catch more fish on your next fishing trip.

Rocky Mountain Tackle Logo

Company Profile

Rocky Mountain Tackle Company is a fishing tackle manufacturer based in Spanish Fork, Utah. The company was founded in 1989 and has been in operation ever since. They specialize in producing fishing lures, dodgers, and attractors for trout and salmon fishing. Rocky Mountain Tackle Company has become a household name among anglers, especially in the west, thanks to their high-quality products that are designed to help fishermen catch more fish.

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